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In politics, information is the raw material and communications are the derivative. Successful campaigns and candidates are usually the ones that understand the role of the candidate, the voters, the media, the competitive environment, strategy, tactics, and budget.


Whether with voters, the press, or elected officials, communicating clearly is important. Beretania Consulting can help you best tailor your message to the necessary audience.


Working with organizations, non-profits, issue and candidate campaigns, Beretania Consulting can assist with detecting and responding appropriately to emerging trends or changes in the socio-political environment.


At its best, issues management is stewardship for building, maintaining and repairing relationships with stakeholders and stake-seekers.

Government Affairs

Effective government affairs work requires a keen understanding of internal dynamics and politics, as well as practical government and legislative machinations. Any legislative strategy needs a thorough definition of the problem to be addressed and an explanation of what the appropriate solution might be. Solutions may include legislation, regulation, or media attention. 


Beretania Consulting can assist in developing a plan for promoting the solution, make it easy to explain, and help with any lobbying efforts.


Your organization has a limited amount of money, volunteers, and time. Decision day waits for no one and making mistakes can be costly.


Whether a candidate or issue campaign, Beretania Consulting can help you develop and/or oversee a campaign team and strategy that includes setting goals, messaging, Get Out The Vote (GOTV), budgets, and all other components that may be required for a successful campaign.


No campaign can be successful without a robust grassroots component. Research, again and again, has shown that nothing compares to the recommendation of a friend, neighbor, or family member when it comes to persuading people to take action.


Whether it's activating and training members of your organization or campaign volunteers, Beretania Consulting can help develop a grassroots plan that combines online and real-world engagement.


Beretania Consulting can assist issue or candidate campaigns, and organizations,  in developing and implementing a comprehensive digital strategy for online fundraising, advertising, and organizing.


By employing the technology, tools and tactics appropriate for any political situation.

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